Barry Sullivan

September 21, 1926 – June 5, 1989 Barry Sullivan loved hockey from an early age and although he retired from the sport at 26, he carved out a successful amateur and professional career. He came from a hockey family. His father, Harry Sullivan, had some success as a player, having played on a team that […]

GCI Boys Volleyball 1990

OFSAA Volleyball Champions The Galt Collegiate boys volleyball team was a special group in the early 1990s. With coaches Rob Atkinson, a former university coach and London product with considerable volleyball acumen, and former all-Canadian basketball player Seymour Hadwen at the helm, the team got expert coaching with a generous dose of self-confidence. But there […]

Dr. Bruce Holliday

September 9, 1932 – March 21, 2010 Dr. Bruce Holliday was synonymous with rowing in Cambridge. The local veterinarian helped found the Cambridge Rowing Club in 1987 when a group of enthusiastic people, all sharing a vision of a community-based rowing club on the Grand River at Galt, pooled their efforts to form the club. […]

Roy Johnston

August 7, 1928 – December 21, 1989 Roy Johnston was devoted to teaching the young boys and girls of Cambridge the fundamentals of hockey. As founder of the Galt Minor Hockey School, Johnston’s dream was to form an organized hockey school dedicated to benefitting all youngsters who wanted to learn to play the game. There […]

J.J. ‘Tiny’ McFadyen

Born 1885 – March 27, 1956 Few figures in local sports carried as much renown as John James “Tiny” McFadyen did in Galt in the first part of the 20th century. He was one of the town’s best-known sports figures and promoters who rose to the top of amateur hockey as president of the Ontario […]

Dr. John Moffat

When general surgeon Dr. John Moffat, MD., FRCS(C), left his office for the final time — it was a Friday in 1999 — he called it quits on a career that spanned nearly 40 years. Moffat, then 68, a graduate (1954) of the University of Toronto, set up practice in Galt at 12 Dickson St. […]

Rob Ducey

Cambridge’s Rob Ducey did what few Canadians had done before him – make it to the major leagues. By the time he retired in 2001 he had played in 13 different seasons in the Major Leagues, the longest career of any Ontario position player since Thunder Bay’s Jeff Heath played 14 seasons from 1936-1949. Along […]

Cam McArthur

When Cam McArthur won the Tim Turow Cambridge athlete of the year award, he was at the height of his athletic career. The 1975 Canadian champion paved the way for such future stars as Joel McClintock, the 1979 world champion, and Judy McClintock, 1985 world champion (tricks). Competitive water skiing was still in its infancy […]

Stuart Summerhayes

April 21, 1934 – November 7, 2010 Racewalker Stuart Summerhayes came to the sport late – he was 55 – but he was simply following the old adage that it’s never too late to take up something new. At that time he told his wife, Jill: “Don’t worry. I’ve only got two years to do […]

Hespeler Simplicity

The 1973 Hespeler Simplicity Fastball squad did what no local team was able to do since 1948: win the Ontario Provincial Intermediate B championship. It was also the first provincial championship won by a team from the newly amalgamated City of Cambridge. The team won the Intercity Fastball League that year, as well as other […]