Galt Midget Hockey 1983

When the Galt major midgets captured the 1983 provincial championship at Galt Arena, they ended a drought of nearly half a century and entered the history books by becoming the first minor hockey club from Galt to win an all-Ontario title. The provincial finale was dramatic, going the seven-game limit before the Galt Mr. Optician […]

2006 Chiefs Midget Lacrosse

Cambridge Minor Lacrosse was in its fourth season of operation in 1986 when the Cambridge Chiefs midget club captured the all-Ontario championship. It was a first for the new association, a hark back to glory days of a previous century when local clubs won provincial honours. Under the direction of head coach Rob Steffler and […]

Carmen Douma-Hussar

Carmen Douma running for Villanova University at the NCAA Track and Field Championships in Buffalo, N.Y. during the late 1990s. She won the 1500 metres. Hespeler native Carmen Douma-Hussar is without a doubt the finest female middle distance runner Cambridge has ever produced. What’s more, she is one the finest in Canadian history. A native […]

Lorne Siegle

Lorne Siegle, who was born in Hespeler, was a legend in the horse jumping world. “We couldn’t get enough of watching him and trying to learn by seeing what he did, how he rode, how he trained his horses and how he looked after his horses,” said two-time Olympian Torchy Millar of Siegle. “He was […]

Anne Dunn

Anne Dunn is a curling fixture not only in her home town of Cambridge, Ontario, but across Canada and throughout the curling world. Born in Toronto on May 27, 1947, Anne Vale was about 15 when her family came to Galt. Although the family had moved around due to her father’s work, when they arrived […]

Jason Gooding

As early as anyone can remember, baseball pitcher Jason Gooding was a standout on the ball diamond, and as he developed up the ranks, he excelled at every level. As a teenager, he was almost unbeatable. While playing for the Cambridge Bulldogs Junior Intercounty team, he and batterymate Chad Dube were a force to be […]

Bob Eccles

The summer of 1967 was memorable for the Centennial celebrations and projects that that took place across Canada, and for Expo 67 in Montreal, the world’s most successful World’s Fair. But in fastball circles, there was something else that stood out the summer of ’67. It occurred on the night of June 27, during a […]

Peter Kowalchuk

Born in Buchanan, Saskatchewan to Michael and Dora Kowalchuk in 1934, the 5’10” 180-lb right winger gained a reputation at an early age as a top prospect. Peter was the third youngest in a family of eight, and when the family moved to Ontario, he played minor hockey in North Bay. He played for the […]

Galt Squirts Softball Champs

The Galt Squirts all-star softball team captured its first OASA provincial championship in 1961 and repeated for the next three years. The boys were coached by Tubby Collins from 1961-63, and by manager-coach Jerry Russell. Their record of four consecutive provincial wins still stands to this day (2017). In addition, the club won numerous Inter-County […]

Cynthia Coull & Mark Rowsom

During their peak years Cynthia Coull (born in 1965 in Greenfield Park, Quebec) and her pairs partner Mark Rowsom (born April 16, 1959) were the top pairs skaters in Canada and among the best in the world. Yet theirs was a pairing that almost never happened. Coach Kerry Leitch was trying new partners with Rowsom, […]